Immigration to Norway through marriage with a Norwegian girl
Norwegian women to marry in exchange for money:
The marriage of interest in Norway is a way to obtain the residence of Norway, and after obtaining the residence, separation takes place, and the parties to the marriage agree on this, and the husband pays the wife a sum of money in exchange for the marriage.
Usually things remain undisclosed, even if the purpose is to obtain residency only, because the marriage lasts for a long time, but after marriage in Norway became a commodity only, there have become many cases of fraud by Norwegian women, so after obtaining a sum of money, the wife requests separation The money he paid is lost on the husband, without obtaining the residence, and bargaining begins by the wife to obtain other money in exchange for the continuation of the marriage, and help in obtaining the Norwegian residence.
Conditions for marriage in Norway:
The most important condition for marriage in Norway is seriousness of marriage, otherwise marriage in Norway will become a black market for obtaining residency and citizenship, and in general most cases of marriage in this way remain undisclosed, and these cases are covered by the continuity of the marriage.
Norwegian women are many, but in general, those looking for a Norwegian woman to marry must search for a suitable woman, intending to complete his life with her, and not marry for the purpose of interest only, because marriage in the end will lead to Norwegian residency, and then obtaining the Norwegian citizenship, so it is better for those who Looking for accommodation, he must be looking for a woman to complete his life with.
If you are a Muslim and you are looking for a woman of your own religion, you can marry a Norwegian Muslim, because Muslim women in Norway are many, and this is better for a person than to marry a woman who feels that she does not suit him, and marries her for the purpose of interest only, there are people who convince those who marry love to obtain residency After the residency, this person separates from this woman, and this is absolutely unfortunate.
Also, the issue of marriage in Norway applies to all religions, not only at the level of the Islamic religion, but we took the idea of marrying a Muslim woman in Norway as an example only.